New Car Shopping

Back in 2013, I suddenly found myself needing a new car. I pored over research and had a lot of ideas of what new car I wanted, and I decided my new car would be a new car.

But I hate shopping, and I especially don’t like the hard sell that so many car dealers try. As a youth leader, I decided to try something out: I took one of my 7th graders shopping with me.

He loved hanging out and test-driving new cars with me. (his favorite were all the buttons in one of the cars) As we were test-driving, the sales-people spent most of their time talking to the student instead of me. (win!)

I’m sure it confused them when a 26-year old showed up with a 13-year old. When we were leaving they asked if we were brothers. The kid started to explain, I just said, “Something like that…”.